Saturday 10 August 2013

Cape Range National Park 28th July - 2nd August

We found paradise !!! We camped 80km south of Exmouth in this spectacular national park. Our campsite was called Kurrajong, a 50 metre walk over the dunes to the beach. The Ningaloo Reef stretches along this coastline and snorkeling from waist deep is easy and the marine life is prolific. We spent the days on the beach (Turquoise Bay being one of our favourites), snorkeling, swimming, rolling in the shallows, jumping the rippling waves and bush walking.
Some highlights:
                        - The termite mounds on the drive into Exmouth. These mounds were with us, in varying densities for the next 800 km.
                        - Archie in his Ripcurl budgie smugglers
                        - Archie putting on his own sunscreen using a tub of Philadelphia cream cheese
                        - The Tarago having a close encounter with a kangaroo as it jumped out of the roadside scrub. The front number plate has been remodeled and a Toyota badge has been recovered from the road and reattached in a somewhat less secure way. Unfortunately the kangaroo wasn't so lucky.
                         - Snorkeling for twenty metres less than 2 metres above a green turtle as it swam over the coral and pushed through the sand on the sea floor
                          - The pit toilets at Kurrajong - definitely the cleanest in Western Australia, if not Australia
                          - Meeting Julia, David, Emily and Oliver, a family from the Mornington Peninsula, who are travelling around Australia in the opposite direction to us. We compared notes to help each of us plan the next part of our respective trips. Imogen, Jasper and Archie loved playing on the rocks and sand dunes with Oliver and Emily. They collected crabs, slid down dunes, laughed, talked and all five found relief from spending too much time with their parents. And we found relief from spending too much time with them.
                          - Eating fresh king prawns (just come of the boat - could not be fresher) and fresh bread on the beach at Turquoise Bay.
                          - Meeting Hugh and Inez, a retired couple from Perth (originally from Wales - migrated about 30  years ago, although their accents are still heavily Welsh) who were camping at Kurrajong for an entire month.
We left the Cape Range National Park ready for four or five days in Karijini National Park.


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